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Sustainable Growth Rate

May 20, 2011 | Comments Off on Sustainable Growth Rate
Posted by Frank Ciesla

Attached is an article from the American Medical News in regard to the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and its application to the Medicare physician fee schedule.  This issue is still on the table and is moving to the forefront again.  The result of the application of the SGR would be a 29.5% cut in fees paid to physicians under the Medicare physician fee schedule in calendar year 2012.

There is clear opposition to the proposals previously made and covered in:

As pointed out by Representative Frank Pallone, patients cannot be expected to negotiate prices for complex care.  Therefore SGR continues to be a festering issue which will only get worse, until it is actually resolved and society comes up with a way of paying for the physician care that is being rendered to the Medicare beneficiaries.


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