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CMS Relaxes Certain Telemedicine Requirements, but not New Jersey, yet

March 19, 2020 | Comments Off on CMS Relaxes Certain Telemedicine Requirements, but not New Jersey, yet
Posted by Anjali Baxi

CMS has relaxed certain telemedicine requirements, including the requirements pertaining to a provider needing to be licensed in the state where services are rendered, as it relates to reimbursement by Medicare, Medicaid and other federal healthcare programs.  Notwithstanding the CMS waiver action, it is important for providers to be aware that CMS does not have jurisdiction over state licensure requirements.  At this time, neither the New Jersey legislature nor the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners have relaxed any of New Jersey’s current telemedicine requirements.  However, on March 16, 2020, two bills were introduced in the Assembly and Senate that related to relaxing the telemedicine requirements as it relates to the screening, diagnosing and treatment of COVID-19.  The texts of the pending legislation is can be found at:  If you have questions related to the updated status of these bills, please contact us.


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