New Jersey Healthcare Blog

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November 21, 2013 | Comments Off on UNCERTAINTY CONTINUES
Posted by Frank Ciesla

Attached is a Washington Post article and an Associated Press article which highlight, from the patient beneficiary point of view, one of the next big issues in the Affordable Care Act implementation.  That issue is the narrowing of the provider networks which will significantly reduce the patient beneficiary’s choice of providers.  This could result in the patient beneficiary not being able to keep their current providers.  As I pointed out in our prior blog, that information right now does not appear to be readily available to the patient beneficiaries.

I also pointed out in our prior blog that while you, as a provider, may be in the network, the physicians or other providers to whom you refer may not be in the network so this will force you to rearrange your referral pattern.  You may also not be in the network and no longer be able to maintain the professional relationship with the patient.

As time goes by, it is clear that more and more of the disruptions to both patient/beneficiary and the providers that will be caused by the Affordable Care Act are surfacing and being discussed.


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