New Jersey Healthcare Blog

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SGR Update

It is expected that when Congress returns after Labor Day that it will continue to address the issue of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR).  The good news of the proposed legislation is that it will eliminate the lookback covering an extensive period of time, since Congress deferred, on an annual basis, the implementation of the […]

Recent Appellate Division Decision Represents Importance of Employee Background Checks

The New Jersey Appellate Division issued a decision in Township Pharmacy v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services which Medicaid reaffirms the absolute obligation on the part of providers to comply with the Medicaid requirements (which are also applicable to Medicare) to perform background checks for all individuals working for a provider who are […]

Additional ACA Risks to Provider Cash Flow

For those patients who have obtained their policies through the health care insurance exchanges, where they qualify for federal premium tax credits, under 45 C.F.R. §156.270(d), the insurers are required to keep the policies in effect for a three month grace period should the beneficiary fail to make the premium payments.  The insurers, however, are […]


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